Alumni, Community and Industry Support for Students
Following the school assembly, the President of the' Old Flames' was escorted around the School by a student who is now co-President of the student Council. Alleya reminded me that she had received an Old Flames/Alcoa Scholarship last year. Alleya then told me that her Scholarship was a really big help to her. She said that the Scholarship had gone toward her course fees and made it possible for her to choose the courses that she really wanted to do.
The Student Councillors. Alleya is in the middle.
At the Valedictory the VET Dux Award one of the Alcoa-sponsored programme was Awarded to James Langeard. Subsequent to his Valedictory Award, James won GOLD in the WorldSkills Australia National Championships for VET is Metals & Engineering!
Even better news is that James has been offered an Apprenticeship by Alcoa and we understand he will commence with Alcoa early next year. We met James a couple of months ago to help him with his Alcoa interview preparation and we know that Alcoa has got a good one there who will go far….
Rob Meyer (Old Flames Committee) and President David Redpath with Scholarship winners.
Old Flames Treasurer Marie Zaknich presenting the VET Dux Award to James Langeard.
All Old Flames members wish scholarship and prize winners all the best for the future. After graduating, all ex-students are able to join the association to support future students in realising their dreams!