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Class of 1973
Celebrating 50 Years  since Graduation

WHEN: November 18th 2023

WHERE: The Navy Club, 64 High Street, Fremantle

TIME: 7pm

COST: $20.00 Includes finger food.


There is a cash bar at the club for refreshments.


We would love to see you there. For more info:

Ray Simpson : or

Gary Allen :

Register Now

Badge Gold (20)_edited.png

Please pay by direct bank transfer to:

KSHS/Gilmore College Alumni
BSB: 633 000  
Account Number: 168 196 285
Please include your name in the transfer reference.

Order your tickets:

Thanks for registering!

C/- Gilmore College,

Dargin Place Orelia WA 6167 


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Registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-forprofits Commission (ACNC). Donations over $2.00 are Tax-Deductible (ABN 75 679 801 470).


©2018 BY KSHS GILMORE ALUMNI   IARN: A1023879D ABN 79805851948

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