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Old Flames Update - September 2020

Welcome to spring and the latest updates from your alumni association.

Check how life is moving to the 'new normal' for our members and the school.

Alumni members can be justifiably proud of the scholarship programme for Gilmore College - with the help of local industry and business, the scheme has grown to make a significant impact.

See the details by clicking on the document.

Please feel free to distribute the newsletter to people who might not be 'connected' yet.

C/- Gilmore College,

Dargin Place Orelia WA 6167 


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Registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-forprofits Commission (ACNC). Donations over $2.00 are Tax-Deductible (ABN 75 679 801 470).


©2018 BY KSHS GILMORE ALUMNI   IARN: A1023879D ABN 79805851948

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