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Old Flames Logo

The WA Government has accepted the Alumni Association Constitution and, as of 21 February 2018, we are incorporated.

We have also registered a trading name of Old Flames.

Our initial Management Committee has begun its work. The inaugural meeting on 22 February addressed the following issues:

1/2018 Motion Approved:

“That the Association Constitution document approved by members and submitted for incorporation including further amendments as required for incorporation is ratified. “

2/2018 Motion Approved:

“That in accordance with the Constitution, the appointment of members to the Inaugural Committee positions as stated is approved”

President- Klaus Felsche

Vice President – David Redpath

Treasurer - David Redpath (interim)

Secretary – Christina Howe

5 Committee members –

Melissa Peacock, Marie Zaknich, Sally Nevill, John Dell and Kim Bebbington

Invited Committee Members –

Chris Oughton (Associate Member)

Advisor: Current Principal of Gilmore College (Rohan Smith)

3/2018 Motion Approved:

“That, in accordance with the Incorporated Association Constitution, Westpac Bank is approved as the Association registered banking institution and that the four (4) Inaugural Committee position incumbents as stated are authorised to conduct all banking operations on behalf of the Association with any two (2) signatories required at any one time”.

4/2018 Motion Approved:

“That, the Committee approves the use of a fee-for service cloud-based accounting system”.

5/2018 Motion Approved:

“That David Redpath & Klaus Felsche evaluate a system for use and arrange acquisition”

6/2018 Motion Approved:

“That, the Treasurer’s report of the current financial position of the Association as at 31ST January 2018 is accepted”

7/2018 Motion Approved:

“That, the Committee be tasked with the establishment of the Alumni Association’s Educational Scholarship Trust fund and organisational structure.”

8/2018 Motion Approved:

“That the following items of proposed expenditure on Incorporation as stated be approved and actual expenditure reported at the next meeting”

Note that the mailing address for the Association

C/- Gilmore College

PO Box 86

Kwinana WA 6966

Domain name:

9/2018 Motion Approved:

“That where people have donated at least the value of a Membership fee to the Association prior to Incorporation, that donation or part thereof is treated as payment of a Membership Fee “

10/2018 Motion Approved:

“ That, in accordance with the Association Constitution, the fee structure for membership categories as stated is accepted until the next Association AGM ”

11/2018 Motion Approved:

“That the Committee accepts that a proportion of membership fees collected will be transferred as a donation to the Alumni Association’s Educational Scholarship Trust. It is expected that such donations will be tax-deductible. ”

12/2018 Motion Approved:

“That, within 2 weeks of this meeting, initial membership registrations will open through the Alumni Association’s new on-line system.”

13/2018 Motion Approved

“That the Committee accepts the proposal for future action”

… the Association wishes to trade under a different name (including a shortened version of the Association name) for part or all of its business. “Old Flames”

Agreed the next meeting will take place in the second half of April date to be confirmed.

Agreed the first AGM will take place in September date and time to be confirmed.

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