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2024 In Summary - A Very Good Year

Old Flames Scholarships and Awards program provided $15,000 in Scholarships to Gilmore

College students in 2024 in conjunction with our partners.

Since founding Old Flames in 2018, $100,000 has been provided to Gilmore College and its


Wendy Taylor was inducted into the Old Flames Hall of Fame - congratulations!

In late September over 100 former KSHS Students from the 1970s with friends and partners

attended a Reunion to celebrate the 50th Anniversary since the last students from the

Class of 1970-74 left Kwinana Senior High School.

Click on the image below to read the whole newsletter.


C/- Gilmore College,

Dargin Place Orelia WA 6167 


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Registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-forprofits Commission (ACNC). Donations over $2.00 are Tax-Deductible (ABN 75 679 801 470).


©2018 BY KSHS GILMORE ALUMNI   IARN: A1023879D ABN 79805851948

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