2018 President's Report

Welcome to this short report on the day of our first Annual General Meeting

This is a time to look back at the last 12 months that saw the Alumni Association from an idea and become a valuable community organisation.
It is also a time to look to the future. Our challenge here is to grow the membership and convince the community, industry and business to support our objectives while we enjoy the benefits of associating with people who share important experiences.
Despite the fact that we have only just celebrated our first birthday, we have already contributed positively to graduating students of Gilmore College. This is the second year that we have supported the Strathalmond Trophy awards. This year we added a number of other awards, celebrating the academic achievements of students. It was very pleasing to be part of an Alumni team invited to make presentations to members of the largest group of graduands (135) in many years. It was also a group that recorded wonderful achievements in their studies.

We have 17 members and lots of room to grow! The good news is that our real membership is much larger with 55 memebrs of our website, 70 on our Alumni Facebook page and 293 members of the Class of 74 site alone.
Thank You
It goes without saying that we owe a great deal to all of our supporters. Of course, those who worked with me on the Management Committee deserve much credit for getting all of the necessary administration in place.

You would be pleased to know that we have achieved tax deductability for donations. This will make it easier for individuals and organisations to donate funds that can be used to support prizes, awards and scholarships.
We are a formally registered charity.
We are incorporated with a formal business name and all of the necessary constitutional and regulatory tools in place.
Our funds are managed through a world-class, cloud-based financial system (and we have even passed our first audit).
Today we will have our first election where the interim Management Committee will be replaced by the first elected body.
It has been my great honour to serve as the founding President and I am pleased to have been able to contribute toward the administrative processes needed to lay the formal foundations.
As we are now changing from the 'establish' to the 'grow and build' phase, it is more appropriate for a locally-based person to take on the role of president as a lot of personal 'meet and greet' activity will take place. As I am still located in the 'Far East', I have recommended that a local person should assume the role of president.
I will, of course, remain available, albeit at a distance into the future and wish all new Management Committee members all the best.
The KSHS-Gilmore College Alumni Association is one of a very small number of Alumni bodies associated with government schools - we hope to be successful and that this success will inspire others to follow suit.
I have greatly appreciated the support of the Gilmore College Principal (Rohan Smith) and his team. It has made our job much easier.
Finally, the Alumni Association is there for its members - part of that is to maintain contact. I hope that new generations will join and enjoy the tangible social and community benefits that membership offers.
Klaus Felsche
3 November 2018