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Annual General Meeting 2020

President’s Welcome 2020 has been a most unusual year. All looked extremely good for “Old Flames” to have a fantastic 2020 which would build on 2019 when the Coronavirus entered our lives bringing with it a very disruptive emergency pandemic response situation. Our planned major fundraiser of a Quiz Night became a casualty of the virus and our events program was curtailed. Despite our activities being restricted I am pleased to be able to report that 2020 has been a very successful year for “Old Flames”. While our major Fundraiser event was postponed we were still able to enjoy several virtual events including at Easter and then later an ANZAC Day Coffee Catch up our School Camp and other events. Importantly “Old Flames” were able to support Gilmore College students through our Scholarships and Awards program which was again proudly sponsored by Alcoa’s Kwinana Alumina Refinery. “Old Flames” presented Awards to the ATAR and VET Duxes and to the Male and Female Strathalmond Trophy winners. Our 2020-21 Scholarship program will provide seven Scholarships to students entering Year 11 in 2021 and three Scholarships to students entering Year 12 in 2021. The Total value of Scholarships and awards for students is $5000. These funds were raised through donations from former students, “Old Flames” fundraising events and Sponsorship from Alcoa. An important part of “Old Flames” is to present to students Role Models and to advocate to the community by telling success stories about our former students. We were able to honour one of those success stories by inducting Tony Solin as the second member of “Old Flames” Hall of Fame. Congratulations Tony. Going forward 2021 will be an exciting year in which we will be continue our support for Gilmore Colllege by fundraising and running an Awards and scholarship program. We hope to be able to hold our Quiz Night and we have plans to fund the construction of a footpath which will have engraved paving bricks which people will be able to buy.


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